16 июля 2017 г.

PDF doll patterns, textile doll tutorial, PDF Digital Pattern, интерьерн...

PDF doll patterns, textile doll tutorial, PDF Digital Pattern, pattern doll, cloth doll patterns, Pattern Decoration doll, Pattern toys

USD 30.00

PDF Pattern in English
Textile doll tutorial. PDF Digital Pattern. Sewing Patterns. Tutorial to create a textile doll. Instant download after payment. 

The tutorial contains the pattern, a description of the process of work. In PDF document 38 pages and about 200 photos.
Doll in finished form is 26-27 cm. 
The PDF file contains the jacket with a hood patterns and pattern doll, a job description with pictures. PDF file, print on A4 size.
You will learn how to sew a similar doll.
In the master class, there is detailed information on how to sew a doll.
1. how to sew a doll's head properly
2. How to sew the doll's legs properly so that the doll can stand
3. How to make a doll head, without using a styrofoam ball.
4.How to sew a doll hair and draw eyes.
5. How to sew a beautiful, magnificent skirt and jacket with a hood.
And much more information.

and also you can buy a kit to sew yourself a similar doll  https://www.etsy.com/listing/540097049/set-for-self-tailoring-textile-doll?ref=shop_home_active_1

1 июля 2017 г.

Set for self-tailoring - Textile Doll - Fabric Doll - Interior Doll - Rag Doll - Handmade Dolls - Tilda Doll -Gift for Wife


I suggest you buy a set of self-tailoring textile dolls. The height of the doll -25сm (9,8''). 

The set includes: 
1. Mini instruction with photos for making a doll 
2. Pattern of the doll’s body (you will be able to make a lot of such dolls later) 
3. Parts of the body stitched and stuffed with filler (you will only need to sew them together and dress the doll up) 
4. Hair (shade may differ slightly from what is shown in the photo) 
5. Fixing for legs.
6. Clothes for the doll. 
7. Shoes 
8 Accessories. 

in a set does not include paint, to draw the eye.
You need to buy acrylic paint to paint on the fabric.

You’ll be pleasantly surprised to see how easy it’ll be for you to make such a doll yourself. This set will be a perfect gift for a girl or for anyone interested in textile dolls and toys.
Please feel free contact me if you have any questions about this doll.

USD 50.00